Media Center

Mission Statement

The mission of the Omega Elementary School Media Center is to promote reading as a lifelong activity that can be done for both leisure and learning. It is also committed to making our students knowledgeable in information seeking skills thus enabling them to become lifelong productive members of society. 

Carolyn Bowden, Omega Elementary Media Specialist

About our Media Center

The Omega School Media Center is centrally located in our school, making it easily accessible to all classrooms.

Because of our flexible schedule, you might find students from Kindergarten to Fifth grade in the media center at the same time. A class may be enjoying a story while other students are checking out books, doing research in our growing reference center or exploring the latest information available to them on the Internet. The Media Center is a great place to find wonderful books for recreational reading, as well as a collection of books for research. Students can also access the latest news around the world in our media center, as well as websites on our computers.

Students are welcome to come to the media center whenever they need to select new materials. Books may be checked out for a two-week period. Magazines are also available. Reference books are generally not circulated, but can be under special circumstances. Any item may be renewed. Fines are only due when an item is lost or damaged. Students who do not pay fines or fail to return materials may have borrowing privileges restricted for a period of time. It is our hope that our students will become responsible users of the media center materials.

 Media Center Rules

  1. Enter, leave, and work quietly.

  2. Take good care of books.                

  3. Return books on time.

  4. Keep our Media Center looking neat.

  5. Always walk in the Media Center

Need Help with Online Research?

Check out Galileo, Georgia's Virtual Library. Ask the media specialist for the password and gain access to multiple online databases through GALILEO's homepage: Also check out GALILEO Kids' Page:

Destiny System

Would you like to know whether or not your school media center has a particular book? Try searching our media center's online catalog using Destiny's database. Simply click on the link and choose our school, Omega, and search for titles under the catalog tab.

Capstone Virtual Summer Reading Program

In the Capstone Virtual Summer Camp Adventure, there are six bi-weekly Where Will You Go This Summer? themes that include a choice board and set of 20 FREE Capstone Interactive eBooks for each.

Capstone Summer Reading Program