Freshmen Orientation was a huge success tonight! Thank you all for joining us; we can't wait to see you walking the halls of TCHS! There will be another chance to attend tomorrow if you missed it today. Let's make this the best year ever! #4theT #classof2028

TCHS is excited to welcome the Class of 2028! We will offer orientation today, July 22nd, or tomorrow, July 23rd beginning at 5:30 PM. Parents and students are invited to attend either session. Each session will begin in the PAC at 5:30 PM; see you there! #4theT

The tentative student schedules for fall 2024 are available. Please note that the order of classes may change as class sizes are balanced and additional dual enrollment/work-based learning changes are made. For students who need to request a schedule change, please use the link below. Students will be notified via email regarding approval or denial of schedule change requests. All schedule changes must be completed by August 9th.
Schedule Change Link:

Members of the Class of 2028, welcome to TCHS!! Come check out Diablo's School Store for all of your Blue Devil merchandise. We will be open during Freshman Orientation this week with some great prices. Don't forget to stop by!

All parents of returning students must complete your student review/update in Infinite Campus before the first day of school. This is completed in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Questions? Contact Central Registration at (229) 387-2424. #4theT

TCHS Freshman Orientation
Monday, July 22nd or Tuesday, July 23rd
5:30pm -7:00pm
TCHS Performing Arts Center
**Schedules will be released in Infinite Campus on July 22nd. Take a screenshot of your schedule before coming to Orientation.

Parents of new students in PreK - 12th Grade - Have you registered your child for the 2024-2025 school year? Don't wait! School starts August 2nd.

Join us on Saturday, August 3rd for Tift County Cross Country's 35th Annual Run for Love 5K and 1 mile fun run. Events begin at 8:00am at the ABAC Tennis Complex. See flyer for QR code to register. Come out and show your support for our Cross Country Team! #4theT

Don't forget about the scheduled times for ID pickup, parking permits, open house and freshman orientation next week. You must come during the designated day/time for your grade level. We can't wait to see you!

Do you have questions about the student dress code for the 2024-2025 school year? The image below was taken directly from our Student Code of Conduct. The full document can be found in the back to school section of our website or by visiting: https://5il.co/2npp7 #4theT

Tift County Schools is hosting a Job Fair for classified positions.
📅 Tuesday, July 16th
⏰ 4pm - 6pm
📍 Tift County Schools Administrative Office - 506 W 12th Street, Tifton
Come and explore the opportunities available at Tift County Schools.

In order to perform routine maintenance on the air conditioning system at Tift County High School, the offices at TCHS will be closed on Monday, July 15th. All TCHS 12 month staff members will be working at the Administrative Offices during this time.

Check out this great opportunity for all students:
J T Reddick Bookbag Giveaway will be held Saturday, August 3rd from 10am to 1pm. Come out and enjoy the fun!

Due to circumstances beyond our control, football tickets will not be available for purchase on Monday, July 15th. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, July 16th. #4theT

Attention TCHS Student Drivers: Important Change to Parking Lot Entrance
Starting this year, students will enter the parking lot at the driveway on Kent Road that leads up to the guard house. This new route is designed to improve traffic flow on Kent Road. All other entrances will remain the same. #4theT

🚍 Need school bus route info? 📚✏️ Email operations@tiftschools.com with your student's name, address, school, and grade. First day of school is August 2nd! #4theT

Bus transportation is now being offered to students that were previously designated as walkers. This option is available except where adjacent sidewalks are available and/or students do not have to cross the street. (This does not apply to out of county students or students with an approved hardship waiver.)
If you would like for your student to be picked up by the bus instead of walking, contact our Transportation Department at (229) 387- 2470.

As you are making plans to support all of the upcoming fall sports, don't forget about our new Clear Bag Policy for all athletic venues. See the image for details. #4theT

2024 Football Tickets Are On Sale Now! See image for details. #4theT

Have you reviewed / updated your child's information? Parents must complete an annual review/update for all students returning for the 24-25 school year. This is completed in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Questions? Contact Central Registration at (229) 387-2424. #4theT