We look forward to seeing all of our students and staff back in school tomorrow. #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
School is Back in Session
After meeting with Tift County EMA officials and out of an abundance of caution, the decision has been made to close all Tift County Schools on Tuesday, January 9th for all students and employees. #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
school closure
System administrators will meet with Tift County EMA for a weather briefing at 3:00pm this afternoon. If it is determined that there is a need to make a change to the school calendar we will notify everyone as soon as possible. #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
weather update
We hope to see you at Sweets and Songs! #4theT
4 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Sweets and Songs Flyer Spanish
Sweets and Songs Flyer
For the month of November and December the Kindness Squad was busy spreading a little holiday joy to our teachers and students! #4theT http://tinyurl.com/bdewe7y3
4 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Kindness Squad
Kindness Squad
Kindness Squad
Omega Elementary school would like to thank the Tifton Rotary Club for the dictionaries they gifted to our 3rd grade students. #4theT #communitypartners http://tinyurl.com/4d88re3f
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Dictionary Gift
Dictionary Gift
Dictionary Gift
Omega staff and students ended the week with "Ugly Sweater" day! #4theT Happy Holidays! http://tinyurl.com/26ap8djv
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Ugly Christmas Sweater
Ugly Christmas Sweater
Mr. Hatton and our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students put on an amazing holiday show! They did an amazing job! Happy holidays! #4theT http://tinyurl.com/ysphtu6c
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Holiday Concert
Holiday Concert
Holiday Concert
Holiday Concert
Holiday Concert
Omega staff and students decided to light it up with glitter and all things Christmas on "Holiday Bling Day." #4theT http://tinyurl.com/2jmxt9mx
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Christmas Bling Day
Christmas Bling Day
Christmas Bling Day
Christmas Bling Day
Christmas Bling Day
Omega staff and students were cozy and warm on "Pajama Day!" #4theT http://tinyurl.com/5n94k5z7
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Pajama Day
Pajama Day
Pajama Day
Pajama Day
Pajama Day
Omega staff and students were dressed for the islands for "Hawaiian Christmas" day! #4theT http://tinyurl.com/333v9un3
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Hawaiian Wear Day
Hawaiian Wear Day
Hawaiian Wear Day
Hawaiian Wear Day
Hawaiian Wear Day
Hawaiian Wear Day
Omega staff and students were "Rockin' around the Christmas tree" in their Christmas socks! #4theT http://tinyurl.com/3kjesb4v
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Christmas Socks
Christmas Socks
Christmas Socks
Christmas Socks
Christmas Socks
Omega Elementary School enjoyed having our 2nd, 3rd and 5th grade parents for lunch last week! A special thank you to our lunchroom staff for the delicious meal. #4theT https://tinyurl.com/yc6fdpth
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
parent luncheon
Parent Luncheon
Our staff and students took a ride down "Candy Cane Lane" and wore red and white! #4theT https://tinyurl.com/2p6t6hmc
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Candy Cane Lane
Candy Cane Lane
Candy Cane Lane
Candy Cane Lane
Our staff and students decided not to be Grinches and wore green! #holidays #4theT https://tinyurl.com/4aujs6rf
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Grinchy Green Day
Grinchy Green Day
Our staff and students enjoyed dressing up for "Twin Day!" https://rb.gy/m0p59n
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Twin Day
Twin Day
The faculty and staff at Omega Elementary would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Please take a moment to read about our dismissal schedule for next week! #HappyHolidays #4theT
5 months ago, Yesenia Duque
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from faculty and staff at Omega Elementary!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from faculty and staff at Omega Elementary!
The Omega Student Council is asking for a little holiday hope! Donate if you can. #4theT
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Donation Drive Flyer
Today our 5th grade students toured Eighth Street Middle School to learn about the connections classes that will be offered in middle school. In the coming days, your student will be asked to select their connections classes for next year. 8th Street Middle School is hosting a question and answer session for parents tonight, December 5, at 5:00. If you would like more information about middle school connections please attend.
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Middle School Flyer
Omega staff and students are "Mad about Plaid." #holidays #4theT https://tinyurl.com/72kn5bea
5 months ago, Carolyn Bowden
Mad about Plaid
Mad about Plaid
Mad about Plaid
Mad about Plaid
Mad about Plaid